Thursday, December 24, 2020

Games C and I reset, open Saturday 12/26 8pm Eastern

Merry Christmas!

Game C: Call to Battle - 5k, 1k turns, 7 day bank

Game I:  Star Trek - 20k 5k turns, 2 day bank

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Games B & E reset Dec. 11, 8pm Eastern

Game B - Classic - 5k, 1200 turns, 2 day bank

Game E - Call to Battle - 5k, 1k turns, 7 day bank (2)

Game E will enforce all rules and have a delay on planet movement, daily log reports, and a relog penalty, so behave!  

Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

Games D, F & S reset, open 10/30 8pm Eastern

D - Classic - 5k, 800 turns, 2 day bank

F - Farmers - 20k 1500 turns, NO PHOTONS

S - Single Player - 5k, 800 turns, 2 day bank

Corp 2 Wins game F!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Games G reset, new HHT circa 2010 opens on 10/09

 Resetting game G and new game H - HHT circa 2010 just for fun, both opening 10/9 at 8PM Eastern

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Resetting Game C - Call to Battle, Friday Sept. 25th, 8pm Eastern

This game will reopen Friday, Sept. 25th, 8pm Eastern

Changes as promised I will NOT have delays that interfere with scripts, the only delay is the 100ms latency delay, and 250ms ship delay.

I WILL NOT enforce rules 1 & 2.  Play at your own risk, ask an experienced player to help teach you how to pdrop/adjacent photon, or glean information from the game menu.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Rule #1

 #1 rule - NO using planets as weapons! Get caught pdropping and you're out! To clarify this also goes for pwarp foton scripts.

OK, so here's the thing. Returning players don't stand much of a chance without my rules. There are players here because of them. Now more experienced players can play on any server, in any game, but you've chased away your competition. So, you come here looking for more people to play with, only most of them are not on your skill level.

Mine needs to be a place where people can learn. I do want experienced players here as well to help teach them. I don't want perma-corps coming here shooting fish in a barrel.

SK has unregulated games.

I'm not about having the most players on a server, mine is meant to be a knock-off-the rust, learn to use Mombot if you care to, or not. Play 100% manually if that's your thing.

Once they are confident they can move on to SK's unregulated games, or Sultan Bey's unlims. My server will be the one that helps promote returning players.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

New game opening Friday, August 14, 8pm Eastern

Game E - Call to Battle, 5k universe, 1k turns, 7 day turn bank.

It will open Friday, August 14th at 8pm Eastern.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Content on Discord for Swath / TWXProxy / Mombot setup

I've created content on the Discord page to help you get started.  Files and how to setup Swath / TWXProxy / Mombot.