Monday, December 30, 2013

Game B Reset, Opens 1/3

Classic 5k universe, 1200 turns, 2 day bank

Ferrengi are mean!  Their bank is "fat"!  Enjoy the game!


Sorry about the late start, had it set to open 12/30/14... it's open now.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Modem Upgrade

I'll be upgrading the modem today, so the server will be down temporarily today.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Game H reset - Opens 11/15

Who needs to hunt deer when you can hunt each other!

Game H, Classic 5k universe, 800 turns, 2 day turn bank
Opens Friday Nov. 15 @7 PM Eastern.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Game P Reset - Opens 10/18

This is my personal game, and original edit I'm working on.

Added a more powerful H type planet, and added more capabilities for the Gridder Scout.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bot Practice Opens 9/25

Game B - 1200 turns, 2 member corps, 2 day turn bank.

I'm breaking tradition and allowing bots for this game.  Corps are limited to  players per, and one player is allowed to dupe one corp.

Be the "Bot Master"

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lethal Lottery Practice Game NOW OPEN!

You don't have a team?  That's cool, teams will be randomly drawn from the list of players signed up to play.

The game opens Oct. 5th, 9 pm Eastern.
Where Chaos Reigns TW Server
Hosted by: The Bounty Hunter
Port: 23

To sign up and for all news related to this tournament please visit:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Trophy

Since my return to the game 3 years ago, I've had my sights set on one of today's top players.  We've been playing "Challenge" games all summer and getting the snot beat out of us by Kewlbreeze and his corp.  Well, yesterday morning the tables were turned...

Attack Kewlbreeze's *** Escape Pod *** (86,848-1) (Y/N) [N]? Yes
How many fighters do you wish to use (0 to 15,000) [0]? 500
Your fighters encounter a powerful force-shield around the enemy ship!

For attacking this nice person your alignment went down by 0 point(s).
You have already achieved the lowest alignment!
You lost 10 fighter(s), 86,838 remain.
For defeating this do-gooder you receive 298 experience point(s).
and your alignment went down by 0 point(s).
You have already achieved the lowest alignment!
You find Kewlbreeze's credits worth 25!
Excellent, you have obliterated the target!
...In fact, TOO excellent! You can't salvage anything from it!

The Logs and CLV:

Cruncher was attacked by Flying Aces's fighters!
Cruncher was attacked by Flying Aces's fighters!
Cruncher was attacked by Flying Aces's fighters!
Cruncher was attacked by Flying Aces's fighters!
Trader Vic launched a Photon Missile somewhere!
Trader Vic launched a Photon Missile somewhere!
Trader Vic launched a Photon Missile somewhere!
Cruncher was attacked by Flying Aces's fighters!
Cruncher captured Kewlbreeze's Interdictor Cruiser!
Cruncher DESTROYED Kewlbreeze's *** Escape Pod ***!
Cruncher captured Trader Vic's Missile Frigate!
Cruncher DESTROYED Trader Vic's *** Escape Pod ***!
Cruncher DESTROYED final's Imperial StarShip!
Cruncher DESTROYED final's *** Escape Pod ***!
"Cruncher is in sector 145!", shouts final.
Cruncher captured zep's Havoc GunStar!
Cruncher DESTROYED zep's *** Escape Pod ***!
Star Killer invaded .!
Cruncher captured Strider's Havoc GunStar!
Cruncher DESTROYED Strider's *** Escape Pod ***!
Star Killer invaded .!
Star Killer invaded .!
Star Killer invaded .!
Star Killer invaded .!
Cruncher captured Corp #2's Havoc GunStar!
Star Killer invaded .!
Star Killer invaded .!
Star Killer invaded .!
Cruncher DESTROYED Corp #2's Havoc GunStar!
Cruncher DESTROYED Corp #2's Corporate FlagShip!
Cruncher DESTROYED Corp #2's Havoc GunStar!
Cruncher DESTROYED Corp #2's Imperial StarShip!
Cruncher DESTROYED Corp #2's *** Escape Pod ***!
Cruncher DESTROYED Corp #2's Havoc GunStar!

R Micro  Online!

Computer command [TL=00:00:00]:[28343] (?=Help)? L

List by rank (T)itles or by rank (V)alues (T,V or Q to quit) ? V
Ranking Traders...

Trade Wars 2002 Trader Rankings : 08/28/41 04:12:34 AM

 #       Rank  Alignment Corp        Trader Name                Ship Type
--- --------------------- -- ------------------------------ ------------------
  1    39,893   -232,541   1 Cruncher                       Interdictor Cruiser
  2    13,477   -239,736   1 chaos                          Havoc GunStar
  3     7,922   -213,655   1 Loc                            Havoc GunStar
  4     5,745   -126,967   2 zep                            # Ship Destroyed #
  5     4,844   -125,344   2 Trader Vic                     # Ship Destroyed #
  6     4,296   -840,310   2 Strider                        # Ship Destroyed #
  7     1,494    466,196   2 Kewlbreeze                     # Ship Destroyed #
  8     1,283    -70,784   1 Micro                          Scout Marauder
  9       936         13  ** Grendil                        Merchant Cruiser
 10       676    272,525   2 final                          # Ship Destroyed #
 11       218      1,004   1 Jed                            Imperial StarShip
 12        19      2,157   2 muss                           Imperial StarShip
 13        10      1,280   1 Star Killer                    Imperial StarShip
 14         9      1,071   2 Zip                            Imperial StarShip
 15         0      1,004   2 mob                            Imperial StarShip
 16         0      3,815   1 Iron Ranger                    Imperial StarShip

 17         0          0  ** flapjack                       *** Escape Pod ***

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Big Game Practice tonight

I've reset the Big Game edit on my server and it's set to open tonight at 8pm Eastern.

This game will open on Friday, August 23 at 9pm Eastern on

Details and sign-up here:

This is basically a slightly modified classic game, 30k sectors and has two team captains.  Anyone is welcome to join the game.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Server off-line for updates

I was having some trouble with the latest batch of updates.  Server is online again.  Sorry about the down time.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Game D reset 8/16

This game will reopen fresh on 8/16/13

Classic 5k universe, 800 turns, 2 day turn bank.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Big Game Practice - Game T opens 3pm TODAY! 7/27

Big Game 2013

This game will be hosted on Micro's server and will open August 23rd.  See this forum post for details and to sign up.

As with any tournament mode practice game, I will reset this game as frequently as the players need to practice their opening game strategies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Game G resets Friday 7/26

Classic game, 10k sectors 2500k turns, 2 day turn bank.

Ferrengal is beefie!  Enjoy!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


My son has the "magic" touch.  And just while we had it on the bench replaced the battery too, so hopefully it will keep better timing for the games.

We're going to reset the BOTE practice game this Saturday.

Lost Power last night

Everything is back up except the server.  I'll keep working on it.

Stay tuned....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Game H is reporting as malfunctioning.  I'm rebooting the system to see if that has any effect.  I've sent JP the game file for his review.  I'm going to try to preserve the game for players to continue.  I know H is one of the more popular games.

If anyone sees anything "funky" please report that to me and or JP.

Thank you!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

More requests for very low turn games!

New - Game F Classic 5k, 300 turns, 4 day bank to open 6/14 @ 7:30 pm est

I've also just had a request to reset game E - Mongoose's custom edit with  possibly a smaller universe.  Check the menu for that reset date - to be determined.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Back up

Sorry... about that!  It was working when I left for work this morning.  :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

In the event of Severe Weather

In the event of severe weather, I will take the server down while the thunderstorms pass.  As soon as the storms pass and power surges have subsided, I'll bring everything back online.  This server is physically located in Traverse City, Michigan.  If you try to connect and cannot, check the weather station for updates at this location.

Thank you for playing @ Cruncher's Tradewars!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Game H resets 5/24 - 800 turns

Classic 5k universe, 800 turns, 2 day turn bank with gold bubbles.

Opens Friday, May 24 @ 7 pm EST.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Game B reset 5/17 with 250 turns!

I've had a request for a 250 turn game, so I've taken game B down to 250 turns!

Now, that's what we call Old School TW!

Lockups continue...

JP has been called in to investigate why the server is locking up.  I may have to reset every game to resolve this issue, but will do so one game at a time, starting with the least active games.

Game B has been reset, it will open again Friday, May 17th at 7 pm EST.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Source of lockups...

I've deleted game P from the server.  It was running for nearly 2 years, and JP suspects that may be the cause of the recent lockups.

Let's hope for smooth sailing now.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

B.O.T.E. 2013 Boot-camp

This is the edit that will be used for BOTE 2013.  I wanted to give you an opportunity to check this out, and get some practice in.

When you're ready to practice your day/week 1 strategies, let me know and I'll reset it.

Enjoy Boot-camp!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Kenny did it!

Not sure what the cause of the crash was, but the server is back up again.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Game D reset 5/3/13

Classic game, 5k universe, 800 turns, 2 day turn bank.
The Ferrengi are aggressive - buy a scanner!  :)

Opens Friday, May 3 at 7 pm EST

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Server is back up

This was the first time since the server went up that I had an IP change that didn't update through DYN.  Sorry folks!  All is up and running now.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Fever 2013

And man, we need the Spring to warm up! But as we wait to defrost...

This is the Cabin Fever, non-tournament mode, with Ferrengi turned on.

This is an original edit with Gold ships and planets. The base of these edits are the 1998 BOTE, updated with gold edits, the citadels upgrade twice as fast as a stock game, most planets have a gold edit. All of the stock ships are available along with gold ships (be sure to type + to see the ships available).

10k universe, 1200 turns, 2 member corps, and 6 hour time limit.
There are NO movement delays in this game. 
High scores and logs are on delay, you must login to access this information.
The game closes from 10:55 pm til 11:05 pm for extern, and everyone gets towed.
Inactive players delete after 7 days.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Game B to reset 3/8/13

Game B has 5k sector 750 turns per day and 4 day turn bank.  What I like to call my "working man's" game.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Low turn games are very popular!

Even I'm impressed as how many players are in my very lowest turn games.

Game E - Equilibrium has 500 turns 20k sectors, and 15 players!
Game H - 800 turns, 5k sectors and 14 players!
Game S - Single Player, 750 turns, 5k sectors, 2 hour limit and 10 players!

Find updates & current stats @

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cabin Fever to reset 2/8

The winners are weed and narc!

They've asked to play this game again, so it will reset on 2/8 at 7 pm Eastern.

Later this summer I'll use this edit to rebang my game P, I'd like to play it too.  :)  But, I'm too busy with work and school to play right now.


And don't let them win so easily this time!
Rule #1 - in a death limit game, don't touch the enemy fighters unless you are using an advanced script.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cabin Fever - Inactive players delete in 7 days

Changed inactive players to be deleted after 7 days of inactivity.  Time to wrap this up, seems we have one winning corp now, but death limits or inactivity must be reached before we declare a winner.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Equilibrium - restart 1/19

Game E - Equilibrium is a unique edit by Mongoose.  500 turns, 20k sectors and unique ship and planet edits.  Be sure to check the game description for information.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cabin Fever Tournament Opens 1/11

This is an original edit with Gold ships and planets.  The base of these edits are the 1998 BOTE, updated with gold edits, the citadels upgrade twice as fast as a stock game, most planets have a gold edit.  All of the stock ships are available along with gold ships (be sure to type + to see the ships available).

10k universe, 1200 turns, 6 member corps, and 6 hour time limit.
Death limit of 10 = pods and kills.
There are NO movement delays in this game.
High scores and logs are on delay, you must login to access this information.
The game closes from 10:55 pm til 11:05 pm for extern, and everyone gets towed.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Single Player Edit - Opens 1/4/13

Classic 5k universe, 750 turns, 2 day turn bank and 2 hour daily limit.

Only one player is allowed in the game at a time, just like the old single-line bbs days!